Sunday, March 27, 2016


Three nuns have died and now find themselves at the Pearly Gates being greeted by St. Peter. "Hello, sisters, in order to get into Heaven you have one final task. You all must answer one question each to enter the Holy Gates of Heaven." The nuns look at each other and nod in agreement.

The first nun steps up, preparing herself for the question she has to answer for eternal life. St. Peter asks the first nun, "Who was the first man on Earth?" She answers, "Adam, of course." Bells ring, angels sings, and the Gates of Heaven open. She walks through and they close behind her.

The second nun steps up and says, "Ok, I am ready." St. Peter asks, "Who was the first woman on Earth?" The second nun hides a small chuckle, in disbelief of the simple question, "Eve was the first woman on Earth." Bells ring, angels sings, and she passes through the Gates and they close behind her.

The third nun prepares herself for her question to follow her sisters to everlasting life. St. Peter clears his throat and asks, "What was Eve's first thought the first time she saw Adam naked?"  She pauses, she thinks for awhile. Perplexed, she thinks out loud, Hmmm, that's a hard one. . ."

The bells rings, angels, sing, and the Gates of Heaven open up.

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