Sunday, July 7, 2013


A penguin is driving his car out west one hot summer day when he notices the oil light come on and, sure enough, the car is leaking oil all over the place. He pulls into the first service station he can find and asks the mechanic how long it would take to fix the car. The mechanic said he had a few other cars to look at first, but he should be done in about an hour. The penguin agrees and decides to go uptown and look around.

Finding an ice cream shop, the penguin goes inside and thinks, "Boy, a big bowl of vanilla ice cream would sure taste good right now." So he sits down at the counter and orders the biggest bowl of ice cream that the shop has.

Scarfing it all down, the penguin returns to the garage with an ice cream mustache and asks the mechanic, "Did you find out what's wrong with my car?" "Looks like you've blown a seal," replied the mechanic.

"Oh, that! No, I just really love vanilla ice cream!" replied the penguin.

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