Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Two brothers made a pact that which ever one died first, he would come back on the first anniversary of his death and tell his brother what the afterlife was like. The older brother soon passed away and his brother waited anxiously for the first year to be up. Sure to his word, on the anniversary of his death the older brother appeared.

He told all about his new life. "Every day is the same. I can sleep as late as I want. I can have sex with any female I want. And I can eat anything I want. Most days I wake up around 10 in the morning, pick out a female and have sex with her, then it's time for lunch. Then I take a nap in the afternoon, wake up and pick out another female and have sex with her. Then it's time for supper. After that I have sex again with some new female. Then it's bedtime. The next day I wake up and it all starts over again."

His brother exclaimed, "My God! I've heard that Heaven is wonderful but I never dreamed it could be like this!"

The dead brother responded, "Heaven? I'm not in Heaven! I'm a buffalo in North Dakota!"

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