Wednesday, August 21, 2013


A young man is fixed up on a blind date and makes arrangements to meet the girl at the front gate at the county fair. They walk through the fairgrounds for awhile and she doesn't speak, not one word. He finally asks her if there is something she'd like to do. "I want to get weighed," she replies. So her finds a scale, has her get on, and tells her that she weighs 117 pounds.

Then they walk around the fair some more, ride a few rides, but she's still not talking. He asks her, "Is there anything else you'd like to do?" She replies, "I want to get weighed!" He takes her back to the scale, has her get on and tells her once again that she weighs 117 pounds.

Again, they walk around the fairgrounds; she's still not talking. He asks a third time what she would like to do. More emphatically, she says, "I want to get weighed!" He takes her back to the scale a third time, picks her up and puts her on the scale, and says, "You STILL weigh 117 pounds! I'm sorry but I'm having a really lousy time and I think it's best if I call you a cab and we call this whole thing off."

A few minutes later, the cab drops her off in front of her apartment. As she enters the apartment, her roommate Barbara excitedly asks her, "Did you have a good time?"

The girl replies, "NO! Weawy wousy, Babawa! I didn't get waid!"

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