Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Two construction workers are down in a pit digging out mud. It is pouring down rain and they are both soaked and filthy from all the mud. Both are complaining to each other about their working conditions. One of the guys says, "Y'know, I'm just a smart as that boss of ours. Probably smarter. Look at him, up there walkin' around with an umbrella and overshoes. He's not gettin' wet. He's not gettin' all muddy. Why, I could do his job!"

His buddy says, Well, why don't you go up and talk to him about it? Maybe he could use an assistant." The other guy says, "I think I will" and heads up to talk to the boss. He tells the boss he thinks he's just as smart as he is and could do his job just as well. The boss says, "Well, let's do a little test to see if you're smarter than me. I'm gonna hold my hand up in front of this tree. You rear back and hit my hand as hard as you can with your fist. If you hurt me, I'll go down in the pit and take your place and you can take mine." The guy agreed and let go with his punch. Just as he got within inches of his boss' hand, the boss moved his hand away and the guy slammed his first into the tree. "Oh, shit, that hurts!" yelled the man.

The boss says, "You're stupid. That's why you're down in the pit and I'm up here. Now get back down there and get to work." When the guy got back to work, his buddy asked what happened. He said, "Well, he tried to prove to me that I'm stupid, but I ain't. Here, I'll show you." 

"I'm gonna take this shovel and hold it in front of my face. You rear back and. . . ."

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